Full Name: Gideon Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthdate: Jan 19
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Mechanic
Organization: Ship: La Rosa del Desierto (Pink Dessert)
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Spouse: None
Children: None
Actor: Gavin Leatherwood

Known Information


To be added


Gideon is not a tall guy. Instead, he stands around 5'4", with a solid, compact build. Muscular and athletic, he looks like he probably works with his hands, as they are rough, dry and calloused, often marked by dirt or grease. He wears a utilitarian set of overalls, in a dark but faded green, and beneath them, a black t-shirt.
Tattoos decorate his arms - his sleeves are mostly flowers, their lines warped and faded from the sun. He has bright green eyes, and a mess of thick, curly hair that is often frizzy and would stick straight up and out, but for the bandana that he keeps wrapped around it to hold it down.



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(2530-04-26) Soap Drama at the Diner
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